30 June 2006


Well, there is just nothing in this life quite like summer camp...it may be the closest we can get to heaven on earth. Anyway, this week, Buck and I took five middle school girls to camp...Janessa, Aubrey, Jumah, Tairra, and Breauna...it really was a blast!!! Even though we were kinda the outsiders b/c we were a "church group" at a Campus Life camp, we were still able to get to know each other & enjoy the week. We were in Cedar Village #11. We were a part of the greatest team at camp...the "MOGEY MAN MARTYRS". There are always loads of fun memories from camp: the bugs, tubing (some for the first time), getting mail, fun games, KPOO News, "Where's Gina?", and games in the cabin. But, my favorite times at camp are and will always be the unique opportunity for each person present to encounter God...some to be refreshed, some to be renewed, and some to begin their "God-Story". I was able to watch two of our girls begin their journey with Christ; Janessa & Tairra...two girls who didn't know each other this week...who had no clue where the other was on the journey of life...were able to make a decision that unites them for eternity. I am so thankful for the faithfulness of God...he comes through even when we cannot. I was able to watch the other girls struggle with God, struggle with belief, and surrender to His greatness. I will not forget this experience. It is one of those days where you sit back and stand in awe because of the wonderful God we serve, that we cannot understand why a God so big, that doesn't need me, allows us to be a part of BIG stuff...of life-changing, eternal decisions. GO GOD!


Farah said...

So good to hear from you. Happy that you had that experience to add to your collection. Call me when you can, please.

Anonymous said...

Beth, haven't met you yet, but I knew you because Buck was telling everyone about you before you got married! I'm Bill Wagner--youth dude at Parkland First Baptist.

Our little group is mostly middle school girls--we should do something together sometime. We've got about 7 or 8 of them.

Tell Buck that I can use his (or you guy's) help. The Youth Mission Corps is trying to get a Seeker Service off the ground this September 22. I've got the band, I've got a speaker, I've got a hot program. Tell him to give me a call at the church please. 531-0121, thanks.
