29 April 2005

For all you Spelling Nazis

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt

Hoenstlty deos it ralely mttaer?

It's Raining

I know this will surprise many of you, but it is raining in the great northwest today...almost like it was raining on our wedding day. It never stops. It's not like it is freezing though, just the cold that comes from the rain. Buck and I were not disappointed that it rained on that day. It was peaceful, just like it is today. Yes, it would be a little more peaceful if I were at home, cuddled up with Buck under a blanket on our couch watching Alias and in between episodes maybe just talking. I love when we go to bed before we are really sleepy and we can just talk for awhile. There is nothing better to me. So, the rainy days aren't so bad. I wish everyone was able to enjoy the rainy days like I do. If it slows down the pace of life, accept it & enjoy it. If it makes things a little muddy, remember that a sunbreak (as we call it here) is just over the horizon.

28 April 2005

Just give the Cardinals the Pennant

The Cardinals will win the NL this year for 1 reason: Pitching!! They have the best starting 5 I've seen from a Cardinals team since, well, ever. Both Matt Morris and Chris Carpenter are healthy and they both are solid #2 starters with the potenial to have #1 stuff; Mulder is a proven Ace, which leaves Marquis (who is only 26) and Suppan, both of which would be #3's in all but a handful of rotations.

The key to the starting five can be found in Mulder's recent 10 inning Shutout victory over Roger Clemens. Clemens lasted 7 innings and threw 123 pitches, while Mulder threw a mere 107 in 10 innings. How you ask? Simple the Cardinals have bought into Dave Duncan's philosophy of 'let them hit the ball on the ground and take the outs'. The Cardinals won't rack up the strikeouts; they are built to eat innings and force the other team to hit the ball.

Here is the kicker: the Cards are known for thier killer line-up, but the line-up has yet to produce and they are still 14-5. Yeah, it's good to be a member of the Cardinal Nation!!

27 April 2005

Counting Down...

ONLY 129 DAYS 'til opening weekend in college football. WAR EAGLE!

And, speaking of college football, here is a great link to visit:

26 April 2005

A Great Question...

So, a friend at work e-mailed me today with a great question:
What do you think is the balance of being honest with someone when they say, “How are you?” I truly believe that even in the midst of struggles, we should have joy, and should not be pessimistic or negative. But I also feel strongly that, as Christ-followers, we should be authentic. What do we say when someone asks that and means it?

I rambled on for a few minutes with an answer, but I still feel like I could discuss this for days or years...and never know how to truly be authentic and joyful all the time:
That is a great question…one I struggle with practically every day of my life. I never know what to do…even in the small encounters of life. What do I say on Sunday mornings at church? (Reason #764 I hate “meet and greet” time) What if I don’t feel good or even feel like smiling when I am at work? I really am pretty happy most of the time, but when I am bummed, I am way bummed. But, that doesn’t mean I have lost all faith in Christ. And, I don’t want to sound “religious” with “I am having a tough day, but God is still good” as a response, even though that is probably the most honest I could be in many situations. During the times when I am struggling with my faith and purpose, I think it is the hardest to be authentic because I don’t want people to know that I am struggling with that, but how many people in my life really want to know that I am struggling with that…four or five? But, those also pose the greatest opportunities to share our journey with someone else or even encourage someone else without ever knowing it. Even though I don’t do it well, I think it is important to think of some great things that God is doing…kind of like a fall back tank. For example, sometimes there are specific things that really frustrate me...and Buck knows it; but when he asks me I don't want to just complain some more. So, now when Buck asks me about my feelings toward certain subjects (someone whom I know wants authenticity) I can HONESTLY say what I am struggling with, but point out what God is doing in my life at the same time. Does that make sense? I am REALLY trying to do that as far as this new transition in my life goes…but that still brings us back to the everyday generic, “how are you?” question we hate. I think we have to trust God…that we will have joy in the encounters that need joy, but that we would be real with our struggles, our bad days when an opportunity to let everything out (in a healthy way, of course) arises. It all goes back to being lead by the Holy Spirit. I think that will be hard for me as long as I live. I think we know when God provides us with the opportunity to grow by sharing, to feel better by crying for a little while, to dig into His Word, and/or to encourage others through our struggles. I also think we know when a smile is needed. If deep inside of us we do have the joy of Christ, then smiling or saying we are good is authentic. Sometimes we have to share the joy even when we don’t feel like it. I don’t know if that makes any sense…just a bunch of ramblings.

If you have any thoughts on the subject let me know.

22 April 2005

The Weekend is Finally HERE...well almost

Do you ever get to the point on Fridays where it seems pointless? By about 2:30pm I usually begin to shut down: I may still take a few phone calls...I still deal with the mail...but, other than that I just check out sports scores and let the weekend begin. I just love the weekends! And especially this weekend, because Buck and I have NO plans until Sunday morning. We have a few things to get done around the house and some student ministry administrative tasks to take care of, but for the most part we can just hang out and relax. We will probably watch at least three or four episodes of Alias. We are on season two. I am trying hard not to tell Buck what I already know. But, once we get toward the end of this season we will both be in the dark. Anyway, we all need weekends with no plans!

19 April 2005

That's it I quit!

I'm tired of it. Tired of the guilt, the constant nagging every month as I look at my bills. Tired of throwing money down the drain so today it stops! I'm not doing it anymore!

I'm officially quiting the Gym! Bally's will no longer be recieving my $22.37 each month. As good a deal as it has been I just simply haven't gone in the last 4 months so I'm done.

15 April 2005

Maybe this will work...

Well, Buck and I had a lot of trouble maintaining our individual blogs so we are going to try a joint blog. Maybe between the two of us it will work.

Our wedding was so wonderful...we both really relaxed and enjoyed the day! I didn't want to walk away and immediately forget the emotions I felt or the words that I said. It was great to have our family and friends here with us.

Anyway, we are beginning to settle into married life. Besides fighting over the covers and his elbows to my face, the adjustment hasn't been too difficult. We are trying now to pull our lives together. We are busy getting our house in order...trying to figure out what things we really need and how that fits into our budget.

And, we are really excited about finally getting to focus on our ministry in Tacoma and at Discovery. We were so distracted for the few months before the wedding, that we didn't put the time or energy into the students that is needed. I think a few relationships are beginning to develop on a deeper level. Please pray for us as we continue to explore ways to reach students.