13 June 2006


Well, I of all people should know that moving, leaving, changing, new beginnings are constantly a part of life. And, although I consider myself a change-agent...someone who likes change just for the sake of change sometimes...that doesn't make it always easy.

Our friends, David, Farah, Dax, Cole, (and Faithy) Isbell just left. While it was one of the quickest goodbyes ever, it was one of the hardest. They were the people "like us". We were completely ourselves with them...no performing...no "coolness"...no perfect life...just real. They knew everything about us as a couple and had cared for each of us as individuals before we were married. They were the friends who asked us about our last fight, who kept us accountable for the struggles in marriage, who stood beside us on the day we were married.
They are the friends we hope to model our parenting after b/c of their commitment to be parents following Christ first!

They truly are friends I do not know if we will ever be able to replace. Part of that refers to the life experience part of friendship. We have done so much together. I lived with David & Farah when I was nineteen...our first year in Washington..the "non-Reeves"...our adventure he;ping with RiverChase. We watched students give their lives to Christ & share Christ with their friends. Buck & David worked together for camps, retreats, and whatever else they came up with. Those experiences are what will keep them close to my heart forever.

I am excited about their new life, their CHANGE...b/c I know that they are chasing hard after God. I am excited for the letters I am going to get in the mail from Dax....he promised. I am excited for my kids (one day) to visit Aunt Farah for speech lessons:)...I am excited to hear the stories of the people impacted through their lives.

I am sure there will be a day when EVERYTHING does not remind us of them anymore. But, right now we are sad. We miss our friends.


Farah said...

Speechless! I love you too!

Amanda said...

hey. soooo sorry i didnt call you on friday. it totally slipped my mind. what are you doing this week though? im not doing anything tomorrow(tuesday) afternoon. so call me. i love you and miss you.