04 April 2007

The beginning of the end . . .

I honestly believe that if guys like this run the Southern Baptist Convention then it will be dead or severly diminished in 50 years.

Read this article.
Missouri's most powerful Baptist takes on the 'emerging church'

In case you don't want to, here is the last few lines that sum it up for you:

Moran acknowledges that what emerging churches offer is attractive to young people.

"What we've got now is a church where you can drink beer in the bar, you can talk about rock 'n' roll, you can watch R-rated movies on film night," he said.

Moran believes that some in the emerging church may be theologically sound but that its leaders are caught up in the culture that is leading most Americans astray.

"They say they have a passion for reaching people for Christ … and I think that they do," he said. "But I think they cross the line in becoming so much like the world."

So what you're saying is you're so legalistic that even though you think the leaders are theologically sound and have a passion for reaching Christ, YOU don't have the power so you hope the movement dies off?

Give me a break.


rob said...

Christ said that he will build his church. It's his and his alone.

Mama Mel said...

Go Buck...

Thankfully, "Southern Baptist" is only in the fine print at RCC! :-)

Rescue us from the message of the Pharisees and send us into the world with the message of Jesus! i noticed that in the New Testament, Jesus spent alot of His time with "the beer drinkers", because they recognized that they needed Him more than the church-goers did!

"No one's too lost for Him to love, no one's too low for me to serve..." the world is looking for the face of love!

Sara Sandefur said...

When we separate ourselves from our culture, we become unable to speak the language of the world we are a part of. We are Christ's body, working together to be His hands and feet in this world, in this time.
People aren't going to show up at our doorstep looking for absolute truth and sermons on morality. When we completely separate ourselves, no one even knows what we are about or what's in it for them. We ARE part of "the world." Each one of us is incredibly sinful and flawed. And we are more loved and forgiven than we can even imagine. If we can't live that out, then why should anyone want to know Christ?

from the heart of cooka said...

i think maybe the guy's real last name is "moron" not moran...that wasn't very nice, was it? oops

on a serious note...
i'm praying much for y'all; words don't seem to work very well in this sad time, but please know that we all are praying for you both!! my heart breaks with you...


Farah said...

Dude...I'm so angry at that I am speechless...Wow!

Caci said...

beth! hey! thanks for finding my blogsite! I am so glad to hear from you....I am sorry about your sad news...we experienced that too with our 2nd. I hope you keep in touch. I understand about moving to the south! I will be praying for you! Ben and I had our 11 year wedding anniversary last month...can you believe it????

Ben - The Waffle said...

Back in the south huh? We are planning to hit ATL this summer for a Braves game. It was fun to find that you had a blog, you should look at mine. It is different from Caci's.

But about what has been posted, We are made to bring glory to God.

Matthew 7:4 tells us where our focus should be: "How can you say to your brother, 'let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold the log is in your own eye?"

Our prayers shouldn't be, "Lord please help other churches find the right way." We should be praying, "Lord in your mercy, please help me to be less wrong than when I started."