15 July 2008

Definitely, Maybe...

I don't know if you have seen the movie Definitely Maybe. I was looking forward to it. I know that I often watch movies or tv shows in which the values & worldview displayed are altered or opposite of mine. But last night I was just extremely disappointed. I feel like every day the value of marriage in our society lessens. It has become just something you do. Vows mean nothing to so many in our culture. It is devastating to me...not simply because God designed the family to look a certain way, but because families & people...kids all over the place are more broken than ever. I won't spoil the movie for you if you still want to see it, but I left disappointed. I know it just makes it that much important for us to be intentional in our marriage....about dating each other...about serving each other...about sharing life....about putting Buck before myself...about trust, integrity, and authenticity....about giving up what we want to honor God in all we do. I want our family to point towards God, even in the midst of pressures & the norms of our society that scream one thing when it comes to family: IF IT's TOO HARD, GIVE UP! IF IT's NOT WHAT YOU IMAGINED, GIVE UP! IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY, GIVE UP! I am not willing to give up. We made a commitment. God is leading us. Tonight, I am praying for you...if you are married that your relationship with God, your spouse, and your family will be protected, that unconditional love will fill your home. If you are not married, I pray that you will settle for nothing less than God's best...that you will wait for the person God has to lead you & walk beside you. Definitely, Maybe is not how God intended marriage to be. DEFINITELY, FOREVER is His intention & plan for our lives. Marriage is amazing. Families are amazing. God's plan is what our lives should reflect...even when it's hard. Thanks for listening.


Mae said...

What poetic words and so very true to the end!!! With our 20th Anniversary just 7 months away your words make me smile. I am with you all the way!!!


Farah said...

I hear you!