04 February 2007

2006 Movie Review Pt. 1

Ok, I’m a movie buff I love going to the movies or even just watching one at home. So I thought it would be fun to review the Movies I’ve most enjoyed, and the ones that disappointed me the most, and what I’m looking forward to in 2007.

Now let me say that this is only the movies I have seen. There are a ton of movies that I’m really interested in seeing that I just haven’t been able to get to, many of them are up for Oscars. I’ll list those at the end so you know which weren’t under consideration

Let me just say this is MY favorites. Meaning these are the movies that I enjoyed watching the most, not all of them are “great movies”, but I really enjoyed them.

So over the next week or so I’ll give you my top movies for 2006 (so far) and the ones I was most disappointed in, and what really peaks my interest for the coming year. Also, Beth is going to join the fun as well so she’ll be posting her list as well.

For now let me start with a couple of movies that “Surprised me”. This simply means that I didn’t really expect the movie to be as enjoyable as it was for me.

Cars – The guys are Pixar are incredible, but for whatever reason I just didn’t really like the concept behind this movie. However, the opening scene had me hooked. It was really incredible from a visual perspective. And this is from my 27 inch non-hi-definition sanyo.

The story was well paced, and the message of the movie (life doesn’t have to be lived at mach 12, slow down and enjoy the journey) was first-rate. It’s not a movie I’d watch a lot but I enjoyed it and would say it’s worth a viewing

The Holiday – I wasn’t really thrilled with the cast, and was really leery of a romantic comedy with Jack Black in it. But it was a lazy afternoon and this was the best thing playing so Beth and I went.

I had an absolute blast! I found the the film to be very original, especially for this genre. The film captured some incredibly authentic moments that were priceless to me I remember thinking on several occasions wow, that’s just like someone I know.

Typing this now I want to rewatch it just to see those again. It’s not a perfect film, but it definitely surprised me and I'll catch it again soon.

Ok, well that's it for now, more to come later in the week!

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