06 February 2007

Movie Review, Pt. 1 continued (from the wife)

Well, I am not quite the movie buff like Buck, but I have tried to dive into movies a bit more than "I liked it" or "I didn't like it" since we have been married; so, I thought I would join him in this movie review of 2006!

Here are my two biggest surprises of the year (this means I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would):

The concept of this movie was very intriguing. The pace was very good even though it was a long movie...much slower and I would have left gloomy and depressed. The thing I loved most about the movie was all the "talking points" it provided. I could see this movie playing out
wonderfully in a college classroom. It attacked so many issues our country and our world is facing...it really made me sit back and think about what I thought.

I feel a little cheesy writing about this movie. The movie we wanted to see wasn't playing so I agreed to sit through this movie...the reason that is such a big deal is that there is nothing appealing to me about the story, characters, genre, etc. I have never seen Lord of the Rings or other epic tales of adventure. So, the story moved well & captivated me. I still don't think it is a great movie, but I did stay awake, and I would recommend it to others as a one-time see!

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