12 February 2007

The Most Dissapointing Movies of 2006


Walberg is quickly becoming a must see actor, but this was not one of those movies. I thought the story was so-so, but more then anything it was mis-titled. There is nothing about the lead character in this movie that is invincible. It would have been better titled "Reluctant hero"

The Nativity Story

I didn't even expect this to be great, but it makes the list for two reasons. First, the movie had the wise men at the manger (which go read your bible, they weren't there) and there were 3 of them. This was not only too cliche, but just not acurate. Second the angels were so weak, I mean there was nothing to be afraid of, no reason to think that they were that different then an average person.

Taladega Knights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

"Chet, I'm gonna be all over you like a Spydur Monkey!" Ok, it did have some funny scenes and some funny lines! The family dinner scene cracked me up, but in the end it just wasn't as funny as I hoped it would be and was a little crass. This could have been a case of too high of expectations.

Little Miss Sunshine

Speaking of Crass movies this one was certainly that. It too had it's moments, but I just didn't have any of those laugh out loud moments. The story was really not that compelling, and Greg Kinnear's character just made me tense the whole time. If you didn't see it don't bother.

X-Men: The Last Stand

Brett Ratner, your no Brian Singer. The X-men franchise had been really good at combining action and character development, in the first two movies. But Ratner was not able to maintain the quality of the previous films. For one it was too short, they could have let it breathe a little more. Second they had an entire plot line that was pointless (the angel character). And didn't allow for very meaningful dialog. Overall I really expected this to be a little more fun then it turned out.

Stranger Then Fiction
I thought this might be the movie where Will Ferrel showed that he was more then just a comedian, ala Jim Carrey in "The Truman Show". But it ultimately was just disappointing. The premise was good, a guy who hears the voice of the author who is writing his life.

I was hoping this would be in the same vein as "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind", a little quirky, and kind of weird, but ultimately original and satisfying.
While it was original it was not that satisfying. Really the movie failed to capitalize on the one thing it had going for it which was the voice. It didn't and so I'm sad to say it's on this list.

href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0343737/">The Good Shepard

This movie directed by Robert Deniro, starring Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie had a lot of promise! It was one of the movies I was most looking forward to this fall. And wow! Robby stick to your day job. The plot wasn't that bad, but it took soooooo long to get to the end of the movie I just didn't care any more.

Jolie doesn't even make the first hour of the movie and when she is on the screen she has nothing to do. Honestly, I think that she was miss cast as the stay at home house wife. Damon, plays his character rather well, the problem is it's a boring character.

In the end I think they could have cut out about an hour in the film and it would have been a much better production.

1 comment:

michael said...

I'm still trying to figure out how Jon managed to make it onto the movie poster for Little Miss Sunshine (I'd recommend viewing it full size).