29 August 2008

Happy Birthday Buck...

Happy Birthday, babe. I love you. I am so thankful you are in my life.

We are in the middle of a series at church called The Marriage Project. I have been so encouraged throughout the series mostly because I know God has a desire for our marriage to be great. He designed it. He has a purpose for it. He wants marriage to be a picture of his love for the church. I truly believe this is the only opportunity on earth we will have to see this love played out. That is why a healthy marriage is so essential. I have also realized how blessed I am. My husband believes the best about me. I have not realized until lately how rare this is & how thankful I am for it. He believes God has a purpose for everything we are going through. He is not perfect, but he lives each day to make the most of Jesus in our family. I am not worried about the example our children will have of a husband or a father. He is so intentional about loving and serving us.

So, thanks babe for leading our family, for working hard every day for us. I love you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell Buck I said Happy Birthday!!!