03 November 2008

Adjusting and other things...

Well, our next few days will be spent adjusting to the end of Daylight's Saving Time. Peyton did pretty good yesterday only eating her meals a little early, and she took an extra nap in the middle of the day for about twenty minutes.

Peyton clapped on her own for the first time yesterday. We play clapping games all the time & I wasn't really sure if she was interested in trying it herself. She seems to just really like it when I do it. But, last night we were just sitting around. Peyton was sitting in Uncle Daniel's lap & just started clapping. I was probably way too excited!

We visited a different church yesterday just to check some things out & decide what we are really looking for as Buck starts looking for a job at a new church. Then we got home and I went to change Peyton. She had the cutest little sticker on the front of her diaper that said "I was changed" Then it had a box for them to mark "dirty" or "wet". How helpful! That was not my only take-away, but I really liked the sticker.

And, here is Peyton sleeping. She sleeps just like me--on the edge of the bed, in an "L" shape, holding most of her blanket rather than covering up with it--just thought this captured all of that.


Amy Chase said...

what a sweet and innocent picture! And I like the sticker idea.
Daylight savings is throwing us all off too. Ryan sleeps 8-8, but of course his 8 is now 7, so like clockwork he was up at 7:04 this morning, despite the fact that we kept him up until the new 8 last night. So good luck and let me know what works for you and Peyton!

Farah said...

I like that sticker thing too. Journey did that and it was really helpful.

michael said...

Wow - super cute picture! Ellie still sleeps in various contorted positions & has never been the fan of blankets. We ended up just turning up the heat in her room (rather than having to go up halfway through the night just to cover her back up).

For what it's worth, one church down there we've been eager to visit is Jubilee Church (http://www.jubileechurchatlanta.com/). We've recently changed churches, and Jubilee is a part of the same family of churches.