26 November 2008



I am thankful for...
Jesus, who gave His life so that I may have true life,
my husband who does whatever is necessary to take care of our family,
our beautiful daughter who smiles all the time and is doing new things every day,
beautiful fall weather - crisp & cool,
my friends who gave me their money when I beat them in poker last night; now I am going to get a beautiful Christmas tree,
God's continued provision,
Black Friday shopping with friends starting at midnight (I'll let you know how it goes),
wonderful family & friends,
our church--that cares about loving God & loving people,
Christmas music & movies,
having more than enough so we can give some away,
college football--BEAT BAMA!,
our friends, Bryan & Karen who are letting us spend Thanksgiving with them,
mashed potatoes,
peppermint flavored treats at this time of year,
dates with my husband,
our pediatrician who cares about our family,
Facebook (it is better at keeping up with people than me),
indoor plumbing--it's cold outside today,
our mac,
my husband who always thinks I'm beautiful,
the scale I stepped on this week,
our country even in all its distress--we are so lucky,
Jesus, for watching over me and helping me not worry so much

1 comment:

Caci said...

I am totally going to steal your idea and do this on my blog...it may not have the same neat shape as yours...but this is awesome!! I am thankful for Beth who posted all the things she is thankful for!! ;-) Hope you have a great Holiday!