19 November 2008


Buck and I were talking the other night about our favorite t.v. shows. These are shows that at some point in our life, we rushed home to see or try to catch some other way. These are shows that we love watching the reruns of over and over. These are shows that I quote and laugh about still. So, here is my top five, and maybe Buck will post his soon:

1. LOST - I love this show for so many reasons, but mostly for the character development. There are some times it is too scary or a little unrealistic, but I love the story from week to week and season to season. We are actually watching it from the beginning this fall with some friends who haven't seen any of it. It is fun watching it through again.

2. The Cosby Show - I still laugh so hard when I watch reruns of this show. I think about certain scenes and laugh out loud. I also love that it was cutting-edge in its day regarding family & status.

3. Friends - Okay, so the show was a bit scandalous...okay, so scandalous that I quit watching it for awhile. But, it was amazing. Not just because it made me laugh. But, because it gave that picture of community that we all crave, that we were created to need and rely on every day.

4. The Office - It makes me laugh! Those who know me well may be shocked that I like such a "stupid" show, but I have grown to love it. It was not an instant classic in my mind, but gets better all the time.

5. Law & Order (all of them) - I know it's the old-school crime & trial show, but I just like it. I would gladly sit down and watch one right now over so many of those newer shows--plus, I didn't have to close my eyes as much with this one.

Almost Made the Cut: Everybody Loves Raymond (I love the reruns, especially now that I am married), Sportscenter (I would watch the same show for several hours in the mornings as a kid), Survivor (We are nerds...we still watch it...I love the premise & the challenges....not the drama so much)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Oh my gosh, this made me miss you guys! We are doing the same thing for LOST with Josh and Tish and some other friends, wish you were here!