15 April 2005

Maybe this will work...

Well, Buck and I had a lot of trouble maintaining our individual blogs so we are going to try a joint blog. Maybe between the two of us it will work.

Our wedding was so wonderful...we both really relaxed and enjoyed the day! I didn't want to walk away and immediately forget the emotions I felt or the words that I said. It was great to have our family and friends here with us.

Anyway, we are beginning to settle into married life. Besides fighting over the covers and his elbows to my face, the adjustment hasn't been too difficult. We are trying now to pull our lives together. We are busy getting our house in order...trying to figure out what things we really need and how that fits into our budget.

And, we are really excited about finally getting to focus on our ministry in Tacoma and at Discovery. We were so distracted for the few months before the wedding, that we didn't put the time or energy into the students that is needed. I think a few relationships are beginning to develop on a deeper level. Please pray for us as we continue to explore ways to reach students.


myleswerntz said...

hey, congrats! beth, haven't met you, but congrats to you as well.

Buck Webb said...

Thanks man