12 July 2005

Black Market Excedrin...

Well, there is this one type of medicine that really helps me when I get this certain headache or when my body is just hurting too bad: Excedrin Quicktabs. I have tried so many other things...but, only this works. Recently, it began to seem quite impossible for us to find this medicine...it was slowly disappearing. So, Buck decided to e-mail Excedrin, and they said that it was no longer available and that there was not an equivalent on the market. Then, this morning, my mom called and said that my aunt had found this drug store that could order me five boxes of the medicine...that was great & I definitely want it. I don't really care where he gets it from. So, this week sometime I should receive five boxes of the only medicine that helps me feel better. Black Market Excedrin...who knows...

1 comment:

Buck Webb said...

That reminds me you did recieve a package today, but I didn't open it so . . .