12 July 2005

A deserving Start

For those that don't know the All-Star Game is in about 2hours. Mr. Carpenter will be starting the game and deserves too, becasue well his team has a great chance to be in the World Series this year and the winner gets home field advantage. I'll skip that stats etc. on why he should be there, but trust me he should!

I tried to win box seats to the mariners this morning from a local morning show here in Seattle. All you had to do was call in with an interesting topic and then chose a player you thought would be the MVP of the All- Star game. I chose to talk about carpenter and the host and I got in a little debate, which was fine. THe bad news was my cell phone cut out before Icould chose my player sooo . . . they gave me Chris Carpenter as my MVP candidate.

For those that don't know pitchers never win the All-star MVP becasue they only pitch 1-2 innings max. So Here is to Carpenter striking out every hitter he faces on 3 pitches!!!

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