28 September 2006

All of my Jobs...

Well, it may seem crazy to some people...and it kinda is...but, I do enjoy all of my jobs:

1. I babysit two boys in the morning: They are almost 2 years old & 5 months...super cute. Then I drop them off at the childcare they have during the day.

2. I work in the YMCA nursery. I enjoy this job about 88% of the time. Also, this job is directly across the street from our apartment, and I get a free membership & Buck's is 50% off...great perks. Plus, I think there are some other jobs at the YMCA that I am better qualified for and that I would enjoy more...so, if they ever come open, I will be ready!

3. I substitute teach when I can. I love being in any classroom...and most days are good. Plus it pays pretty well.

4. I work as an Instructor at the Etum Academy in Lakewood. I teach a "book club" curriculum to 5th grade korean students. I totally love this position. I am hoping I will get some more classes to move me up from the two hours a week I work now.

5. Oh yeah, and I am applying for the Head Girls Basketball Coach at Stadium High School. If that doesn't work out, I am probably going to take a Junior High Head Coach Position at Curtis, which would keep me with the same program I worked last year. It will be different having my own team!

Well, I am scattered...and sometimes I feel beat, but I love how quickly my day changes...I love bouncing from one thing to the next. I do wish I was more stable. But, hopefully my life is piecing together little moments that impact others. That makes me feel good:)

1 comment:

Mama Mel said...

hey bether .... i'm glad you like your jobs .... the 88% job made me laugh ... not 80% or 90% but 88% ... so what could they do that would be worth 2% to you? just wondering! :)
also, i feel disconnected from your life right now so i needed to know what was going on ... when you get a chance, and you're in one of your more "being really honest with the world" moods, which is, I know, rare for you (because you hold your cards pretty close), post a message for those of us who love you, and please let me know if you really are OK... i love you .. thanks