20 June 2008

Peyton is growing...

Well, I knew it would happen...that time would fly by. I was looking back at her pictures at birth, and I cannot believe how much she has changed already. I cannot believe how many "big girl" things she is doing. Peyton loves trying to sit up; in fact, no matter where you lay her she tries to pull her body up. I guess it is good exercise for those muscles, but sometimes I just want her to relax. She is sleeping great. She has been sleeping from 9pm-6am for four weeks now. It is wonderful to be able to sleep. I also love that we can put her down without anything...a pacifier, blanket, noise, etc. It makes it easy to take her places and keep her on her schedule. She has really enjoyed swimming in our pool the past week or so. She will smile, kick, and splash (a little) around. Plus, she goes to sleep very quickly after swimming:) She loves to play by herself, but is very social when the time comes for that. My favorite thing of this past week was Tuesday night at FUZE, our student ministry summer service. She went into the childcare room & I sat her down on this little couch in between two girls who love her. They were playing video games. Then I went back fifteen minutes later to let them know her schedule & she was still sitting there just watching the girls play. I had no idea her attention span would be that long and that she would just sit there. She was too cute...and a little too "big". Anyway, I love how she is growing up and learning new things everyday.

1 comment:

Crystal Corn said...

you should post that picture. It's SOOO cute.
Had fun playing with you guys last night. I like your "nerdy game" :)